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In addition to the Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre’s educational and instructional programs, the Centre’s gallery encourages artistic growth by providing the opportunity for members and local artists to exhibit their work. We take pleasure in showcasing the work of both emerging and known artists and strive to exhibit a variety of visual art forms for the surrounding community to enjoy. Admission is free of charge.

Inquire about booking an exhibition

Linda Dineen, Exhibitions Co-ordinator:

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About the Gallery

The Centre’s gallery hosts seven or eight exhibitions each year. The annual Members’ Exhibition is an opportunity for member artists, working in any medium, to exhibit their work. Our "Celebrating Members" program and gift shop also provide exposure for the public, other members, and the exhibitions committee to see your work.

The exhibitions committee schedules solo or small group exhibitions with artists who have proposed a show or have been invited by us to show their work. Exhibiting artists range from those with experience producing solo shows in other galleries to emerging artists who have the courage to produce and show their work for the first time. If you are thinking of having your first exhibition but aren’t sure where to start, you are encouraged to participate in our Members’ Exhibitions, the Celebrating Members Corner and perhaps in juried exhibitions in other galleries. Some artists also begin by exhibiting with one or two other artists.

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